June 28, 2022

 My opinion about buying Twitter is not good. 

I saw a news thet Ellon Musk is going to remove a ban of Donald Trump's twitter. Because of Donald Trump's tweets there was many troubles. For example the dollar went up, the gas price went up, and there was a demo also. Because of that I think it is not good idea to remove a ben of Donald Trump's twitter.

Another reason why it is not good is that the stock price of twitter and Tesla went down. If the stock price went up I think it is good to buy twitter but it didn't went up so I think it is bad idea. Also he is buying twitter with his own money but he used some money from Tesla so if you want to buy something he was to buy with his own money.


  1. Trump has said he will not return, but I think he should be unbanned, just to make all the haters cry!

  2. That right. Trump has to respect all the people.


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