April26 2022-My first Post

 Hellow, My name is Abiral Bista.Nice to meet you.Please call me Abi.I am Japanese.I am born and brought up in Japan so I can speek a flunt Japanese.Actuary I can speek 4 languages.So if somebody want's to talk me in different language please talk to me.

I am in G class so if you some are in G class let's be friend!And I am in DaitobunkaBBQ circle. It's a Keion circle.I am going to playing guitar in April 30 and May 1 in Kawagoe live house.If you are free please come! It's free and anybody can come!

So next I am going to talk about my hobby.I have many hobbies so I will try to write the all thing.Playing guitar.Playing drum.Reading books.Doing exercise.Listening to music.Watching Hollywood movie.Eating outside.Going for walk to see a beautiful view.Going to foreign country.I actully been to 15 countries.And sleeping.But don't worry I don't sleep in class.

I like Listening to music and watching Movies so I will talk about more.My favorite band is Gun's N Roses.I think you don't know much about it but it's a very famouse and dangerous band in the world.I like Xjapan,Tokyojihen,Bruno Mars,kojikoji,Syonannokaze also.I can't write all my favorite singer so I will stop here.My favorite movies are The shawshank Redemption,Pulp fiction,Inception,The Avengers,Charles Chaplin.I watched thousands of movie so I can't remember much.I like recent movies but I also like old classic movies too. 

Will that's all so nice to meet you!


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