May 31,2022

Today I want to share my favorite songs. I listen to many many songs and I can chose what to share so today I will share 3 songs. Actually I like rock songs but today I will share you love songs.

First song is "November rain" by Gun's N Roses. It was released in 1991. If you listen to it you would love it. I like the music but the most cool part is slash's(guiterist) solo. It's a love song and if you see the music video you can see a beautiful woman kissing Axl Rose(vocilist). She is the Axl's girlfriend. Isn's funny that you put your girlfriend on music video? Because they aren't couple anymore now. And also the lyrics are very beautiful.

                                     "I know that you can love me

                                      When there's no one left to blame"

Second song is "Baby come back" by Player. It was released on 1977 and it's old. But if you listen it you can feel that 70's test. It's a simlpe rythem but that's why it's very coo. I like Lyrics also. It says only about love and that is very hart melting.

                       "Baby come back, oh baby, any kind of fool could see
                        There was something in everything about you
                         Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
                            I was wrong and I just can't live without you, oh"

Third song is "How deep is your love" by Bee Gees. It was relesased in 1977. The song is very famous now also. I like there soft voice. I wanted to go to their live but two of them are dead and the one is very old so I can only listen on Youtube. The lyrics say about how much do you love somebody. 

                                 "How deep is your love
                         How deep is your love, how deep is your love?
                                  I really mean to learn
                       'Cause we're living in a world of fools
                                    Breaking us down
                       When they all should let us be
                          We belong to you and me"


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