July 12, 2022

 My favorite of all tiome is called "Ansatsu kyousitsu". In English "Assassination Classroom". It was printed from 2012~2016. I think the name of this comic is little scary but it is very heartwarming story about teacher and there students. They made two movies about this comic and it is still popular amoung kids. 

Frist the teacher is a alien, he can move in Mach 20, he is also the man who destroyed the moon. Now he is going to destory earth so the student is going to kill him to stop the problem. If you killed him the government will pay them $300milion. That's a lot money!!!

And the students are not normal students. They are having many problem like studying problem, family problem, bullying problem and they are being discriminated by other school students. But by little and little they become brave and stong. That's the best moment that I love. 

They made two movies about this but it was not good. Because the story of the movie was different from comic. I think they have to make it as same as it is. But there was a Anime about this comic and it was very good and exciting. The story was great. This comic has 21 volume and they made all the story into Animation. Isn't that surprising? I still have this comic in my house.


  1. Sounds like an intersting story. You must show us a page that is in english, so we can understand!


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