July 19, 2022

It has been two and half years since COVID-19 started. Brfore that I don't like putting mask. When I was sick I didn't put mask. When I had pollen I didn't put mask. You know how muck I don't like mask. But the COVID-19 started all the people in Japan start wearing mask. In that time it was very difficult for me to put mask. That time I put black mask and one girl laugh at me because the colour was funny. I was little upset. But after half month every one in the school was wearing colourful mask. There was also mask fashion boom. From that I can tell that no one can tell what will happen next.

There was also interesting News about mask. In the July 10 election for the House of Councilors are divided over whether to wear face masks while campaigning. Some make stump speeches without wearing a face mask, hoping that showing their face will help them gain recognition, while others wear a mask in consideration of persisting concerns about the spread of the coronavirus. Mask is also effecting the election result.

I think there is no use of putting mask. Because virus are very small that we can't see. So the virus can come inside mask. From that I can't underesting why everyone is putting mask. But there is some good points of wering mask.

I am wering mask every day since 2019 so for me it is very embarrassing to put off mask because every one can see my face. This COVID has changed not only our life but also our mental. Somebody please stop this COVID!!!


  1. Its true! all viruses are so small they pass through the mask! Masks are only effective for about 5 minutes before they become useless/


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