October 18, 2022

 Oh no!!!  The fall is coming. I have a pollen allergy. 2 weeks before I had a very havy cough and I had bought a medicine but it didn't work. Finilly I went to hospital and the doctor said "This is a allergy." I was surprised because I didn't have a caugh before, I alaways had a sneeze. After taking the doctor's medicine it became good. 

I have some web site that help us to be healthy in fall . This is the one

First you should "Get outside and enjoy the autumn weather". Autumn is hot that cold and not that hot so it is good to do exercise. I think running is good because it keeps your body warm and also you can see a beautiful scenery. 

Second "Make healthy food choices". Eating lots of fruits and vegetables will help your body stay strong and fight off infection. Including plenty of Vitamin C-rich foods in your diet, like oranges, broccoli, and kale.

Third "Be prepared for cold and flu season". Once summer fades to fall cold and flu season tends to ramp up. Washing your hands often and disinfecting surfaces in your home can help prevent the spread of illness.

With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, many patients have forgotten about protecting themselves from seasonal influenza. Getting your flu vaccine this and every other year helps to boost your immunity and protect against the most common strains of the virus.


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