November 15, 2022

 I love game very much. When I was in 6 gread my friend was playing PSP and he was doing "Grand Theft Auto". That was the first time I met that revolutionary game. Next day I bought PSP and start playing "Grand Theft Auto:Vice City Stories". The game was relised at 2006 from Rockstar games. 

When I was in junior high school I bought Xbox 360 and asked my father to buy me a "Grand Theft Auto Ⅳ" but he saied "No" because the game was for +18. It's a violent gmae so my father didn't want me to do this game. But he said "If you get a good marks on test I will buy for you" so I studied very hard and finilly I get that game. 

At high school I bought PS3, "Grand theft auto Ⅴ" and start playing the game. It was amazing and I played a lot.But say the truth it was very violent game then anyother game.

I was really excited about "Grand theft autoⅥ" but it isn't relised now. But recently there was a big NEWS about Grand theft autoⅥ. There was a huge leak of next Grand Theft AutoⅥ. I saw the leak video and I was little surprised. 

Now I am playing Call of duty series and I have all series in my house. But these days I am very busy so I haven't played game for more then 1 month so today I will go home and play game.

I know the game is not good for children beacuse it affects their studies. But I think if the parents controling and limiting the playing time of the game it will be good recreation for children. 


  1. I had the first 2 GTA games, they were very different, but 4 was very entertaining. 19/20


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