December 20, 2022

 I have some interesting fact about winter.

First earth is closest to the sun in winter. In the northern hemisphere the Earth is closest to the Sun during winter. And one interesting this is that the Earth is moving around 1 kilometre per second faster than at aphelion which results in winter being 5 days shorter than summer. 

Second the coldest temperature recorded in winter. The coldest temperature ever recorded during a UK winter was -27.2 °C, which has been recorded 3 times. It was twice recorded in the village of Braemar, on 11 February 1895 and again on 10 January 1982, and once in Altnaharra on 30 December 1995. My home town is in Iwate so it goes to around -9℃. From this year I am living in Tokyo so I don't have to worry about snow.

Fun winter activity for me is go skiing. It's good exercise. Some people do try cross-country skiing but I don't like that. Also I like Baking Bread during winter. It'll make our house smell amazing, and there's nothing quite so magical as watching dough rise.


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